Experience That Drives Change

I am Doyle Lawson, a disabled, retired army veteran. ​Most importantly, I am a Treasure Island resident and have decided to run for Mayor.
As residents of Treasure Island, we have suffered not one but two back-to-back hurricanes. We have lost our homes, personal property, vehicles, and more.
Through it all, I have seen people come together, help each other, and make new friends. What the hurricanes did not take is our hope, power, and determination to rebuild our homes and our community.
Unfortunately, we have encountered some very frustrating situations regarding getting permits and fair FEMA evaluations. I have personally talked with many residents who have become angry and, quite frankly, afraid of losing everything.
I have heard rumors of orchestrated land grabs and a possible threat of corporations entering our communities to profit from our current situation.
These are the very reasons that many have encouraged me to accept the challenge of running for Treasure Island Mayor. I fully understand the challenges ahead and am up for the fight. I want to stand with each of you and fight for justice, fairness, transparency, and the respect we rightly deserve.
Treasure Island residents can count on me to fight for you daily.
I have felt the same devastation as my family watched and waited through these storms. We all went through the aftermath of losing our livelihood, homes, and comfort. I will stand with you to rebuild.
I will power through the roadblocks and injustices that we are currently facing. It should not feel like there are people of power standing in our way or wolves at our doors waiting for the moment to take what is ours. To take advantage of us while we are knocked down. It feels like we are trying to be defeated before we can rebuild.
You can count on me to fight back even harder.
Let us stand united for the future of our community. Let me guide the torch and light the path to keep what is rightfully ours. I stand with you, a humble man, a veteran who has served our country because I believe in the American Dream.
Let me fight for our community as I fought overseas for our freedoms. I appreciate how hard everyone has worked and continues to work to live in paradise. I will listen to you and speak for you, the people, the neighbors, the residents, and the families within this community.
Give us the chance to win together. Let's fight as one, take care of our community, rebuild and grow, and win for all of us!